The Yahara Lakes Advisory Group (YLAG) was convened in 2001 (YLAG) and 2012 (YLAG2) to develop recommendations on how to best manage the Yahara chain of lakes as a system. The group examined the operation, physical constraints, and changing hydrology of the Yahara chain of lakes to make water level recommendations that balance public and private interests.
The Yahara Lakes Advisory Group Final Report (PDF) and appendices (PDF) were completed in 2002. These recommendations were updated in July 2008 (PDF).
The YLAG2 group completed its in 2012. Documents from those meetings are linked below (PDF files).
Public Forum - March 28, 2012
This free public event was designed to provide the public opportunity to learn about and comment on draft recommendations developed by the Yahara Lakes Advisory Group 2.
YLAG2 Meeting Materials: