Since 2005, Dane County has made cost-sharing funds available to municipalities via the Urban Water Quality Grant Program. The goals of the Urban Water Quality Grant Program are to improve the quality of urban stormwater runoff entering Dane County lakes, rivers and streams, increase public awareness of urban water quality issues, and provide public education about urban stormwater quality improvement practices. These goals are commonly achieved by the improvement and retrofitting of old stormwater outlets that dump untreated urban runoff into the lakes.
Urban Water Quality Grants have helped fund projects totaling almost $10 million that are estimated to have removed more than a half million pounds of debris since that time and more than 2000 pounds of phosphorus annually. One pound of phosphorus removed from the county’s watersheds prevents 500 pounds of algae growth in area lakes.
Financial assistance is available to municipalities in the form of cost sharing up to 60% of the total project cost, not to exceed $1,000,000. To be considered for funding, all practices must meet the following eligibility requirements:
Projects will be evaluated and selected as they are received. You are encouraged to submit any potential projects as soon as possible. For project information please view our 2023 Annual Report (PDF).
Contact Water Resources Engineering staff with questions.
The interactive online map displays current and pending projects. In addition, data may be downloaded (CSV).