Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

DCiMap Online Mapping Application

DCiMap is an interactive online mapping application that can be used to create online and printable maps. Users can zoom in and out, add a variety of data layers (see examples below), and print and export maps. Tutorial videos will show how you can use the web map to create a map(s) to submit with your Erosion Control or Stormwater Management permit application (once the software has been updated).


Application History

  • Monday, June 3, 2024 - DCiMap is replaced with a new version due to software changes
  • February 26, 2024 - DCiMap, a single mapping application, was created through the combination of three online mapping applications:  DCiMap, Land & Water Viewer, and Planning Viewer
Land & Water Viewer interactive online mapping application

Viewable layers include:

  • Orthophotos/aerial imagery - recent and historical
  • Parks and recreation related
  • Thermally sensitive areas, cold water communities
  • Soils, elevation
  • Lakes, streams, wetlands
  • Parcels, and more...