Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

Plant Dane Makes It Easy to Start a Native Garden through Low-Cost Native Plant Sale and One-on-One Rain Garden Coaching Sessions

February 13, 2023
Land & Water Resources

Media Contact:
Christal Campbell
Stormwater Education Coordinator
(608) 228-4493

Plant Dane Makes It Easy to Start a Native Garden through Low-Cost Native Plant Sale and One-on-One Rain Garden Coaching Sessions

MADISON - February 13, 2023 - Dane County and the Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership (MAMSWaP) are now accepting plant orders for their 19th annual Plant Dane Native Plant Program. The Plant Dane Program provides native plants to local groups, municipalities, and residents in Dane County for a fraction of the normal retail cost.

“Native plants play a key role in managing water quality and enhancing pollinator habitats,” said Dane County Executive Joe Parisi. “We encourage everyone to consider placing an order to do their part in preserving our natural resources.”

Native plants are not only beautiful, they improve water quality and provide important environmental functions such as food and habitat for native wildlife. The intricate root systems of native plants help the ground act like a sponge to soak up rainwater. This helps prevent polluted stormwater runoff from reaching our local lakes, rivers and streams. Consider converting some of your turf grass or pavement into a native garden this spring and have a Ripple Effect on our waters!

Due to overwhelming interest in the program in recent years, plant sales will be limited to 30,000 plants. Order early to ensure availability. Choose from more than 50 native plant species and pre-selected garden kits including: pollinator, downspout, rain garden, and edible garden kits. Donations to purchase native plants for specific community and school projects will also be accepted through Plant Dane this year.

Plants will be available to order on a first-come, first-serve basis. The sale will end on March 21st if the 30,000-plant cap is not reached before then. Visit www.ripple-effects.com/plant-dane for program details.

Interested in installing a rain garden this summer, but don’t know where to start? Sign up for “Dig into Rain Gardens, 1:1 Coaching Sessions with the Experts.” Participants will meet individually with a rain garden expert to look at their specific site using an online mapping application, determine drainage patterns, and select an optimal location for a rain garden. Experts will also assist participants with sizing, plant selection and provide resources on site preparation and installation.

30 minute coaching sessions are $20 and will be offered on Saturday, March 4 from 8:00 AM - 12:15 PM. Participants will also be eligible for up to a $50 native plant reimbursement for plants ordered through Plant Dane. Reserve a spot today at www.ripple-effects.com/plant-dane.


About Dane County Land & Water Resources Department
The Dane County Land & Water Resources Department works to protect and enhance Dane County’s natural, cultural, and historic resources. It provides the county’s residents with a broad array of accessible, high quality resource-based recreational services and facilities, and supports residents, communities, local governments and other agencies and organizations in their resource management and protection activities.

About Madison Area Municipal Stormwater Partnership
MAMSWaP is a coalition of Dane County municipalities and organizations working together to promote practices that reduce and improve stormwater runoff into Dane County lakes, rivers and streams.
