Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

Native Garden Learning Hub Community Gathering

Event Dates

  • Sunday, 04/27/2025 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sign Up

Event Description

Join us for an exciting new community learning and networking opportunity centered on creating, enhancing, and managing native plant gardens! As part of our newly established Native Garden Learning Hub, we invite you to explore valuable resources and receive expert guidance from knowledgeable volunteers. Each month, we’ll feature specialized topics related to native plant gardening, including garden preparation and design, planting for pollinators and other wildlife, native plant propagation, leave the leaves and other maintenance, seed collecting, and much more!

This month’s learning topic will focus on how to convert your lawn to a native garden. We will cover lawn removal options such as:

  • Sod Cutting
  • Herbicides
  • Sheet mulching
  • Solarization

We will also have additional learning stations focused on garden design, plant information and more.

We start this month’s community gathering with a brief kick-off address from representatives of Dane County’s Land & Water Resources Department and Wild Ones Madison followed by time to visit topic stations and speak to garden design volunteers. Together, we will share knowledge, build connections, and deepen our understanding of native plant gardens, all with the ultimate goal of expanding native habitats across our communities.

$5 per person (proceeds support environmental education and native plant programming). To request fee assistance, email

To register:

  • Login or Create an Account in our online reservation system. If you are registering for someone else you must add them to your account as an "Additional Family Member" before proceeding.
  • Select the "Native Plant Hub" event date you would like to register for on the calendar.
  • Click "Add to Cart"
  • Check the box(es) for each participant who will be attending
  • Pay for item(s).

If you are having trouble registering, you can call the Lussier Family Heritage Center (608) 224-3604 to register over the phone.



About the Native Garden Learning Hub:
The Native Garden Learning Hub is a collaborative initiative between the Dane County Land & Water Resources Department and the Wild Ones Madison Chapter, dedicated to helping our community cultivate diverse landscapes that increase habitat, foster biodiversity, and enhance climate resilience. The Hub unites resources, community experts, and volunteers to offer targeted learning through engaging community sessions, presentations, panel discussions, hands-on workshops, one-on-one guidance, and much more!


Lussier Family Heritage Center
3101 Lake Farm Road
Madison WI  53711


Susan Sandford
(608) 669-1816

Categories: Talk or Workshop